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Celebrating Father’s Day

Celebrating Father’s Day

Father’s Day may be celebrated a little differently this year but that's the perfect excuse to add some creativity to how you commemorate dad.
A mobile phone for Christmas doesn’t mean less family time for teenagers

A mobile phone for Christmas doesn’t mean less family time for teenagers

Phones, tablets and laptops are usually at the top of many teenage wish lists at Christmas.
90 year olds are Australia’s fastest growing senior age group

90 year olds are Australia’s fastest growing senior age group

With so many people now living to their 90s – and so many more projected to in future – health and social policy must evolve.
September is time to celebrate Father’s Day

September is time to celebrate Father’s Day

Father’s Day: a day for honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.
Strata Matters
Apartment living, how do families fit in?

Apartment living, how do families fit in?

With apartment living on the rise, how do families and their noisy children fit in?
Apartment life for families: living at close quarters yet isolated

Apartment life for families: living at close quarters yet isolated

Most new apartments were not designed with families in mind and parents of young children can struggle to make social connections.
Trend for young adults staying in family home longer now confirmed

Trend for young adults staying in family home longer now confirmed

Over 50% of young Australian adults still live with their parents and the numbers are climbing faster for women.
Winter fire safety tips

Winter fire safety tips

They frequently cop the blame yet it seems discarded cigarettes, forgotten candles and faulty electric blankets are not the only fire dangers that strata residents need to keep an eye on during the cooler seasons.
Strata Matters
From a hot mess to community thankfulness

From a hot mess to community thankfulness

An informed community is a functional community. But can a community still be functional when they’re temporarily not living together in their community?
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