The kindness of neighbours


The kindness of neighbours

It’s nearly 5.30pm and the door bell rings. Another delivery from an online shopping spree maybe?
So I race Cookie my labrador to the front door where I’m greeted by my neighbour from down the street, Kate, with a basket of chocolates.
She’s been delivering a block of chocolates to all her neighbours in our street with a little note saying:
Hi Neighbour,
Just a little something to brighten your day. We live at the bottom of the hill. You may have seen us walking our beagle in the afternoon.
I hope that lockdown is bearable for you and your household. And when this is all over, maybe we can catch up face to face. We’ve lived in the street for 21 years and we know so few of our neighbours by name.
In the meantime, I have started a WhatsApp group where we can catch up. Scan the QR code.
From Phil & Kate
If you can be anything in this world, be kind.

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