Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world. Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and makes Australia a great place to live.
An integrated multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions.
Harmony Week (17-23 March) celebrates such cultural diversity. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Enriching our nation
- more than 70 Indigenous languages are spoken in Australia;
- nearly half (49%) of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was;
- apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Italian, Greek, Tagalog/Filipino, Hindi, Spanish and Punjabi
- we identify with over 300 ancestries
- since 1945, more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia
- 85% of Australians agree multiculturalism has been good for Australia
Apartment living the preferred choice
Apartment living is the preferred option for many new-comers, with more than half of all apartment residents in Australia born overseas and speaks another language other than English at home.
The two million plus apartment residents are a true representation of Australia’s multiculturalism – they are all different. The only commonality of those living in strata is actually that they all live in strata.
The need for tolerance and respect, because of living in such close proximity to each other, and the inclusion of all residents together with a welcoming sense of belonging for all has never been stronger.
From our observations managing over 5,000 communities, the high-performers are those that promote harmony. Should tensions arise between residents, encourage the message of Harmony Week – inclusion, respect and belonging for everyone.
For more information on Harmony Week and ways to get involved visit https://www.harmony.gov.au/