World Kindness Day is acknowledged in Australia on November 13 each year.
Founded in 2011, World Kindness Australia was established after the success of a school campaign two years prior to address issues of bystander behaviour with bullying.
November 13 was then placed on the NSW State and Australian Federal School Calendars by the Departments of Education to promote the campaign, Courage To Be Kind.
The key objective of this campaign initially was to ensure kindness engages everyone from our classrooms, staff rooms, boardrooms and in the corridors of Government.
But since 2011 this campaign has evolved. It’s no longer just targeted at schools and learning institutions. It’s very relevant to where we live and where we work.
Globally, the purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves.
When we look beyond our culture and religion, where we live, what school we went to, our upbringing, our preferences, we should realise we are all citizens of the world. That’s our commonality. We may be different, but there’s similarities and likeness.
When we find likeness, we tend to experience empathy. Why? Because when there is likeness we find it naturally easier to relate to one other.
It’s not unlike living within a strata community. We’re all different yet the one thing we all have in common is that we live in a community environment. Yes, our neighbours may be different when we compare them with our own beliefs, culture, or even age, but friends come in all shapes and sizes and we should not discriminate.
Let’s do our bit to make this a kinder, more compassionate world. Not just on November 13, but always. Let’s truly embrace the diversity of our neighbours. Be tolerant and understanding, but most of all be kind. This is our home. Together we can make it a great community to live.