If we’re being honest, most of us have phobias of varying degrees about something.
It’s not uncommon to hear of people with a genuine fear of germs. Keeping their work space and homes hygienically clean and tidy is of deep importance to them.
When it comes to hygiene, now is the perfect time to fully appreciate how cleaning your home can prevent the spread of nasty germs and diseases.
There’s clean, then there’s disinfectantly clean
Not yet an official word, I know, but it is perfectly descriptive in its meaning… and maybe it should be in the dictionary.
Our homes should be kept clean to keep us in a healthy living environment. But there is a distinct difference between just cleaning your home versus sterilising your home clean.
Cleaning refers to removing clutter from furniture, benches and floors, and wiping away dust and germs from surfaces.
Disinfecting surfaces and floors refers to killing germs via steam-cleaning and/or using suitable chemicals.
Cleaning expert teaches you how to disinfect your home
@melissamaker Clean My Space
Prevention is key
Ensure you clean frequently used items regularly.
Disinfect-cleaning high use items and surfaces should help to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Items such as door handles and knobs, toilets and tapware, refrigerator and freezers, remote controls for virtually everything and indeed, all devices.
When outside, resist touching surfaces unnecessarily. Always clean your hands thoroughly after contact with public surfaces and use an alcohol-based sanitiser.
Practice good hygiene
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue while coughing or sneezing, or into your elbow or upper sleeve
- Put your used tissue in the rubbish bin
- Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, cleaning all parts of your hands
- Refrain from touching your face, particularly eyes and mouth, until hands have been cleaned
For more information or the latest update on COVID-19, please refer to the Department of Health or call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.